Osceola Community Health Services
Osceola Community Health Services (Public Health of Osceola County) is committed to promoting, preserving and protecting the health of our communities.
Best Care for Better Babies
Best Care for Better Babies & Children is a home visitation program serving pregnant women and parents with children from 0-5 years old. Home visits provide one-on-one time with parents and help increase their knowledge of their children’s health and development.
Best Care for Better Babies & Children is delivered by a team of family support professionals including nurses in four counties: Clay, Dickinson, O’Brien, and Osceola. The family support professionals are specially trained in:
- Prenatal and Postpartum Care
- Developmental Milestones
- Breastfeeding Support
- Nutritional Guidance
- Community Resources
- Immunizations
- Car Seat Safety
- Parent Education
Home Visits – Individualized in-home visits provide one-on-one time with parents and children. These scheduled visits help increase parents’ knowledge of their children’s growth and development.
Screenings – Developmental screenings assess overall health, development, language, hearing, and vision with the goal of preventing difficulties later in life.
Resource Network – Best Care for Better Babies & Children staff are familiar with area resources and will help coordinate efforts to locate appropriate services for each family’s unique needs.
If you would like to hear more about Best Care for Better Babies & Children or wish to visit with a staff member, please call our office at 712-754-4611.
Immunization Services
Provide full immunization services to children 0-18 years of age, regardless of insurance or lack thereof. Our goal is to protect our entire community from the devastating effects of vaccine preventable diseases. All vaccines are entered into the statewide data registry. Immunization clinics are held the 2nd & 4th Thursday’s of each month (appointments preferred.)
Foot Care
Provide foot care to individuals who have decreased strength & dexterity, failing vision or other physical limitations that may prevent them from caring for and inspecting their feet & lower legs. You are welcome to attend a clinic, held on the 2nd & 4th Thursday’s of each month at Osceola Community Health Services, 115 Cedar Lane, IA. 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 712-754-4611. Call ahead to make an appointment. Cost is $38. If possible, please soak your feet prior to your appointment.
Homemaker Services
The Homemaker program provides in-home support by trained staff to assist with:
- Personal care/bathing and dressing
- Medication supervision
- Exercises/walking
- Essential shopping/meal preparation
- Light housekeeping/laundry
- Companionship/relief for caregiver
- Referrals for homemaker services can be made by medical professionals, social workers, family members, and clients. In-home evaluations are available free of charge. Clients need not be in the hospital for homemaker services to be initiated.
- Services may be covered by grants and other funding.
- The agency is governed by the Osceola County Board of Health and Osceola Regional Health Center Board of Trustees.
- No person shall be excluded from participation, be denied benefits, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, creed, color, religion, political affiliation, national origin, sex, age, physical or mental disability, testing positive for human immunodeficiency virus, or sexual orientation.
Lifeline Home Emergency Response System
Osceola Community Health Services provides installation and support services to Philips Lifeline, a lifesaving medical alert system. Lifeline is an easy-to-use medical alert system that allows you to summon for help any time of day or night.
Tobacco Prevention
The Northwest Iowa Tobacco Free Coalition (NWITFC) provides guidance and support for local tobacco control interventions and initiatives, including tobacco prevention among young people, reducing exposure to second-hand smoke, and encouraging youth and adults to quit tobacco use. Learn more by calling 712-737-2971 or visit www.quitlineiowa.org/
Community Health Education
Public Health staff can provides health education to individuals or community groups regarding various health topics of interest.
Communicable Disease Investigation Follow-up
Investigate & follow up on any reportable communicable diseases, as defined by Iowa Department of Public Health. Enter all information into secure statewide data base (IDSS) Iowa Disease Surveillance System.
Wellness Screenings
Provide health/wellness screenings to businesses to promote increased awareness & knowledge of health & wellness activities.
Procedure Visits
Public Health will provide a one-time RN home visit to client in their home to provide various nursing services such as venipuncture (requires physician order), foot care, medication evaluation, etc.

Health Fact
High blood pressure greatly increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. If your blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg, be sure to get it checked at least once every two years, starting at age 20. If your blood pressure is higher, your doctor may want to check it more often.