CREATE Community Magazine
Welcome to CREATE— the Annual Report of Osceola Regional Health Center.
We are focused on improving patient care
In 2024, we are celebrating our 60th Anniversary and with that our annual report includes a brief history of our hospital so we can all take a minute to look back at where we began, how far we have come and where we are going. We recognized Pauline Van Engen who also celebrated a significant milestone in her career, her 50th Anniversary of working at our hospital! This publication is FULL of information from new equipment, to services that can improve your overall health and well-being, to new providers and more!

Health Fact
High blood pressure greatly increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. If your blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg, be sure to get it checked at least once every two years, starting at age 20. If your blood pressure is higher, your doctor may want to check it more often.