Staying active as a mom
Committing to a workout plan can be a daunting task, especially for the busy mom who already struggles with having too much on her plate. It may require a bit of forethought and planning ahead, but it is doable to pencil in that daily dose of fitness. Maximizing on activities and any amount of time you have is your best bet at making a plan and sticking to it.
Take “RUN”ch. If you have troubles creating and committing to opportunities to workout at the crack-of-dawn or post-work, align your lunch schedule with an exercise plan. Whether it’s fifteen minutes, a half-hour or an hour, capitalize on that window of time and plan a daily walk or run, go home for a quick session if your commute is short, or utilize a membership at the ORHC Wellness Center to use your favorite equipment.
Include your kids. What’s “alone time” when you’re a parent? Take advantage of those wild kids who want to attach to you and make it a competition to match their energy! Adding your kids to your workout is a great opportunity for them to see just how strong Mommy is and enjoy a productive take on quality time with you.
Adopt an accountability group. Every task is made more fun with friends. ‘Find your tribe’ of fellow likeminded mamas who are interested in getting more exercise, too. Whether it’s a planned walk at dawn together before the kids are up or joining the weekly Saturday morning Bootcamp with Megan Ackerman at the ORHC Wellness Center, you’re bound to commit to an exercise plan when you have an accountability partner who shares the same ‘mom schedule’ as you do.
Dance class for them, gym for you. Between sports, music, and various other activities, kids are sometimes as busy as their parents these days. Squeeze in some time to run using their activity destination as a starting point, or hit the gym during that pre-dedicated prime time.
Create an inspiring home gym. Use what you already have for your disposal. Make any place at home your ‘gym’ simply by dedicating the space for it. If you don’t have hand weights, a bike, or other ‘typical’ gear no worries – special equipment isn’t necessary. You’d be surprised what effective exercises you can accomplish by using functional items you already own to work up some sweat.
At the end of the day, your family comes first and spending time with them trumps all. Whatever is required for your well-being should be priority. The saying that goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”, is seemingly an overstressed statement told and heard by many parents, but for good reason. When mom is happy and healthy, everyone else in the home automatically has a better chance of following suit.