Events & Classes
Healthy Living: Food & Exercise to Fight Stress
April 1 at 5:00pm
ORHC Wellness Center Multi-Purpose Room
Sheila Storbakken, ORHC Registered Dietitian; and special guest Reegan Delzer, ORHC Physical Therapist; will share with […]
Healthy Living with Diabetes
March 11 at 4:00pm
ORHC Wellness Center Multi-Purpose Room
Healthy Living Diabetes (formerly known as “Diabetes Support Group” meets monthly. This group is for people who have diabetes or live with someone who has diabetes.
Healthy Living: Heart-Healthy Meal Ideas
February 11 at 5:00pm
ORHC Wellness Center Multi-Purpose Room
Sheila is going to share with us how to make smarter food choices for a healthier […]
Annual Events

Health Fact
High blood pressure greatly increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. If your blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg, be sure to get it checked at least once every two years, starting at age 20. If your blood pressure is higher, your doctor may want to check it more often.