Hospital Auxiliary
The Osceola Regional Health Center’s Auxiliary plays a role in the success and expansion of the hospital by raising money to purchase needed equipment and/or updates and items for patient care.
By means of their donations to the hospital, the Auxiliary helps to curtail expenses and improve patient services. Currently, the Hospital Auxiliary has 88 members.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this dedicated team call 712-754-5351.
Masquerade Fundraiser – October
Plant Sale – May
Benefits from this sale will go to Osceola Regional Health Center.
Please bring donated pots to New Beginnings by the end of March
(Label the pots ORHC auxiliary. All pots are accepted, including hanging pots.)

Health Fact
High blood pressure greatly increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. If your blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg, be sure to get it checked at least once every two years, starting at age 20. If your blood pressure is higher, your doctor may want to check it more often.