Employee Wellness Clinic!

Employees are eligible to receive a free wellness screening to include a wellness blood draw (which includes CBC, CMP, Lipid, TSH), BMI and blood pressure check. Spouses are welcomed and encouraged for a discounted rate of $40 (exact cash or check presented during screening). Wellness screenings will be offered on Thursday, February 13 and Tuesday, February 25 in the Osceola Community Health Services Building.

Important note: Those participating should fast the morning of their appointment.

Press the “Submit” button for the time you would like to sign-up for. Please sign-up your spouse separately. A confirmation email will to sent to your inbox following a successful sign-up. 



Good health is the foundation of a productive workplace

Thank you for taking the next step towards good health and promoting workplace wellness by participating in this year’s ORHC Employee Wellness Clinic.

  •  Healthy eating; limit unhealthy foods
  •  Exercise regularly
  •  Stay hydrated; drink plenty of water and avoid beverages with added sugar
  •  Reduce sitting and screen time
  •  Get a good night’s sleep; at least 7-9 hours per night
  •  Smoking cessation
  •  Limit alcohol intake
  •  Participate in activities or hobbies that are enjoyable
  •  Get regular health checkups
  •  Reduce stress
  •  Invest in yourself, self-care
  • Normal Blood Pressure

    Recommendations: Healthy lifestyle choices and annual blood pressure checks.

  • Elevated Blood Pressure

    Recommendations: Healthy lifestyle changes, blood pressure should be reassessed in 3-6 months.

  • High Blood PressurE

    Stage 1
    Recommendations: Meet with primary care provider to perform assessment and discuss lifestyle changes and medication. Monthly follow-ups are recommended until blood pressure is controlled.

  • High Blood Pressure

    Stage 2
    Recommendations: Meet with primary care provider to discuss lifestyle changes and medication, with monthly follow-ups until blood pressure is controlled.


  • Underweight   < 18.5
    Weight is below healthy range. Consult healthcare provider to discuss options.

  • Normal    18.5 – 24.9
    Weight is within healthy range; continue healthy lifestyle choices

  • Overweight    25 – 29.9
    Weight is above healthy range. Increased risk of developing chronic diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease. Consult with primary care provider to discuss ideal body weight and ways to incorporate healthy lifestyle changes

  • Obese   30 – 34.9
    Weight is above healthy range. Increased risk of developing chronic diseases. Consult with primary care provider to discuss ideal body weight and ways to incorporate healthy lifestyle changes and reduce weight

  • Extremely Obese   35 <
    Weight is above healthy range. Increased risk of developing chronic diseases. Consult with primary care provider to discuss ideal body weight and ways to incorporate healthy lifestyle changes and reduce weight

Any abnormal results should be reviewed with your primary care provider.

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
    Determines general health status and aids in diagnosis of anemia, infection, and cancer.

  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
    Determines general health status, health of major organ systems, and electrolyte balance.

  • Glucose
    Determines if your blood sugar is within a normal range aiding in the diagnosis of diabetes.

  • Lipid Panel
    Determines the level of fats in the blood to help assess your risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Thyroid (TSH)
    Helps in the diagnosis and monitoring of thyroid disorders.
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